Sunday, August 24, 2008

Swimming Craze?!

Has anyone noticed the increase of swimmers in the lanes at your local gym?! I HAVE! I believe it is all due to the fact that everyone wants to be like the infamous, fit, swimming fish that is Michael Phelps.

I have been doing swimming work outs during the summer (the ultimate best work out ever!..well for me!) and as soon as the olympics hit...boom, there wasn't a lane open for swimmers! I think its a good and bad thing. Good, that people are inspired by the dotted with gold olympian. Bad, that I can't have my lane to swim!

Oh, and not to be a hypocrite myself, I have been inspired by Michael Phelps so I guess I'm part of the good/bad craze too?!

Anyone else see/feel this trend?!

1 comment:

Amy said...

This is an awesome blog! I want to burn and churn too! (Can I do that slowly and while whining about how out of shape I am? 'Cause that's pretty much how I exercise... :))

Okay, so swimming is awesome! I would totally be a swimmer too, if I had a free membership somewhere. And if my daughter was better about being left with people. :) Heh heh. It's so good for you! It works EVERYTHING, and doesn't put the wear and tear on your joints that pounding on asphalt does. (I am so aging.)

Also, my husband (who DOES have the free membership... lucky poop) says that sweating while you're swimming is ... strange, but good, in that just-worked-really-hard way.